25th Anniversary Celebration Review
The event was a great success. Held at Beaupre Community Hall – a lovely venue, an hour west of Calgary, many members and friends of RMERF attended, and shared stories of the 25 years of golden eagle and raptor counting.
Featured was a draft of new signage of for the Lorette site to be completed this fall and was on display for everyone to view and comment on about any suggested changes. A new video (still in production) was shown discussing what RMERF does using some great historic commentary clips and some scenic photos and clips of the golden eagles. Its purpose will be for public awareness and the producers hope to submit it to the Mountain Film festival. Continued over the afternoon was a panel discussion with Peter Sherrington, Cliff Hanson and Rosemary fielding questions about highlights from the emcee and attendees about their past 25 years since the start of the organization. Everyone also enjoyed some food and Anniversary cakes. The highlight of the evening was led by Peter Sherrington providing an interesting talk summarizing the last 25 years of research with RMERF.
Thanks to all those who attended, we look forward to the next 25 years.
- Outside the event
- Draft of new signage
- Enjoying the food
- RMERF video screening
- Panel discussion
- Panel discussion
- RMERF Cake
- Cake cutting
- Peter’s presentation