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The Fall 2021 Migration Count has commenced and runs from Sep 20th until Nov 15th with observers at the Mount Lorette site daily — including viewing equipment available to the public. If interested in visiting the site, we suggest that you visit after 3pm. We see the majority of the migrating eagles in the later afternoon. This is the 29th consecutive year of vigilant recording. Mount Lorette site, Observation map.

Related links: Count Reports



Total Migratory Raptors: 3,520


Observers: Bill Wilson

Start Time:

07:35 AM

End Time:

07:35 PM


-10C at the start, -1C high

Description of the Day:

Cloudy all day, often with bluish sky overhead but looking very whitish because of ice crystals. There was very light snow for the first hour, then flurry activity started to build up to the west and north in the afternoon. Increasing snow fell at the observing site after 17:00. East ridges were 10% to 20% obscured to 16:00, then mostly to entirely obscured to the end. Ground winds mostly east to north 5 to 20 km/h. Ridge winds were either light or unobservable all day.

Migrant Golden Eagle Count:

1 adult

Migrant Other Raptor Count By Species:

1 adult Bald Eagle and 1 unaged Northern Goshawk

Period with Most Migrants:

The only three migrants were between 15:00 and 16:20.

Total Migratory Raptors:


Non-Migrant Raptors:

1 adult Golden Eagle and 1 Northern Goshawk

Other Birds:

Trumpeter Swans 9, flying north, trumpeting.
Canada Geese 2
Mallards 3
Ruffed Grouse 1
Northern Flicker 2
American Dipper 1
American Robin 7
Varied Thrush 4
Boreal Chickadee 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
Common Raven 2

Number of Visitors: