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The Fall 2021 Migration Count has commenced and runs from Sep 20th until Nov 15th with observers at the Mount Lorette site daily — including viewing equipment available to the public. If interested in visiting the site, we suggest that you visit after 3pm. We see the majority of the migrating eagles in the later afternoon. This is the 29th consecutive year of vigilant recording. Mount Lorette site, Observation map.

Related links: Count Reports



Total Migratory Raptors: 3,520


Observers: Blake Weis, Bill & Ruth McKeenan

Start Time:

06:10 AM

End Time:

08:00 PM


Max: 2 C, Min: -9 C

Description of the Day:

The morning was clear with cloud cover up to 10% and light winds. In the afternoon cloud cover varied from 80-100% and small clusters of stratocumulous moved through which dropped the occasional raindrop or snowflake but didn't obscure the ridges significantly. Wind gusts reached 25 km/h.

Migrants used the east ridges and east side of the valley, usually moving low from Patrick to Lorette

Migrant Golden Eagle Count:

3 (2 adults, 1 unaged)

Migrant Other Raptor Count By Species:

6 Bad Eagles (5 adults, 1 undifferentiated immature), 1 Unidentified Eagle

Period with Most Migrants:

10-11 am with 3 migrants

Total Migratory Raptors:


Non-Migrant Raptors:

2 Bald Eagles (1 adult, 1 sub-adult 3), 1 Northern Goshawk (adult), 1 Red-tailed Hawk (adult), 1 Golden Eagle (unaged)

Other Observations:

Number of Visitors: