The Fall 2021 Migration Count has commenced and runs from Sep 20th until Nov 15th with observers at the Mount Lorette site daily — including viewing equipment available to the public. If interested in visiting the site, we suggest that you visit after 3pm. We see the majority of the migrating eagles in the later afternoon. This is the 29th consecutive year of vigilant recording. Mount Lorette site, Observation map.
Related links: Count Reports
Total Migratory Raptors: 3,520
Observers: Bill Wilson, Brian McBride, Cliff Hansen, James Bannon, and Teresa Gawron
07:20 AM
07:35 PM
+5.5 C to +11 C
Generally a pleasant day, lots of cumulus cloud but lots of sun. Winds quite variable from 5 to 20 km/h and the odd gust to 40 or even 60 km/h. A cold front moved in about 2:30 pm, dropping the temperature by three degrees.
65 (46 adults, 1 subadult, 9 juveniles and 9 unaged)
2 Bald Eagles, 3 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1 Cooper's Hawk, 1 Northern Goshawk, 4 unID accipiters, 1 Red-tailed Hawk, 1 unID buteo, 2 Merlins, and 2 Peregrine Falcons.
More than half of the 82 migrants came through after 4 pm, with a peak of 20 between 5 and 6 pm.
Northern Goshawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk 1, Golden Eagle 1.
4 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet, plus an American Dipper serenading us most of the afternoon.
The migrant Red-tailed Hawk was a rufous morph, looking stunningly beautiful in late afternoon light against blue sky, with very light underwings, rufous body, and lightly red tail.