The Fall 2021 Migration Count has commenced and runs from Sep 20th until Nov 15th with observers at the Mount Lorette site daily — including viewing equipment available to the public. If interested in visiting the site, we suggest that you visit after 3pm. We see the majority of the migrating eagles in the later afternoon. This is the 29th consecutive year of vigilant recording. Mount Lorette site, Observation map.
Related links: Count Reports
Total Migratory Raptors: 3,520
Observers: Caroline Lambert, Lynn Macintosh
07:20 AM
08:10 PM
The temperature started at -1, reached a high of +6, and ended at +2.
The day was marked by unsettled weather. High winds appeared moderate from the northwest all day, while the ridge winds were strong enough that the few eagles that passed by were high and did not need to soar. Two snow squalls passed through, blocking the ridges completely. The first was between 13:00 and 14:00, the second between 18:00 and 19:00. Otherwise the ridges were clear. The weather radar map showed intermittent areas of precipitation along the eagle flight path, which was likely the reason why few eagles were seen.
8 (5 adult, 2 subadult, 1 unaged)
1 Bald Eagle
Most migrants appeared between the two squalls, from 14:00 to 18:00.
One resident Golden Eagle was seen hunting over Hummingbird Plume
Canada Goose 6
Common Merganser 2
Ruffed Grouse 1 Drumming
Downy Woodpecker 1
Northern Flicker 1
Canada Jay 2
American Crow 1
Common Raven 6
Black-capped Chickadee 2
Boreal Chickadee 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch 1
Mountain Bluebird 2
Varied Thrush 3
American Robin 21
Dark-eyed Junco 2
Song Sparrow 1