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How to Join the Count

We love company, visitors are very welcome. RMERF principal and assistant observers are on site from early morning until evening (weather permitting) at our Mt. Lorette Site.

What should a visitor take to the site?

Food and water
When visiting a site for any long period of time you should take food and something to drink as there are no close facilities.

The weather encountered during count periods varies enormously. Temperatures normally range from 30°C to -30°C depending on the time of year, not counting wind chill, and within any single day temperatures can vary by as much as 30°C. Dress accordingly, or bring warm clothing to put on when the sun dips behind the mountains. For people who are used to hiking or skiing in the mountains, remember that migration watching is a standing-still activity; so pay particular attention to warm footwear, hats, and gloves. Remember the altitude and bring sunscreen. Bring bug spray if it’s warm.

Most of the migrating raptors are seen along the mountain ridges at considerable distance so you will need to bring a pair of binoculars and, if you have one, a tripod-mounted telescope. If you don’t own optical equipment, we usually have spare binoculars and a telescope handy.

You may want to take a light garden chair or stool or small ground sheet.

This is bear country. Always carry bear spray when visiting the site. The trail can become icy, especially in spring, so ice grips are recommended.

Become an observer

We are always on the lookout for people interested in becoming observers. We accept volunteers of all skill levels come up from beginners to advanced.  Please email us to become involved.



The Rocky Mountain Eagle Research Foundation (RMERF ) will not accept any responsibility for injury or loss sustained by participants (for any perceived reason including negligence) in any field activities or other functions organized by or for RMERF.


Please email us to become involved by visiting our Contact page.