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Mount Lorette (14 Mar 2025) 5 Raptors

Mount Lorette
Alberta, Canada

Daily Raptor Counts: Mar 14, 2025
Species Day’s Count Month Total Season Total
Turkey Vulture 0 0 0
Osprey 0 0 0
Bald Eagle 0 12 12
Northern Harrier 0 0 0
Sharp-shinned Hawk 0 0 0
Cooper’s Hawk 0 0 0
American Goshawk 0 0 0
Broad-winged Hawk 0 0 0
Swainson’s Hawk 0 0 0
Red-tailed Hawk 0 0 0
Ferruginous Hawk 0 0 0
Rough-legged Hawk 0 0 0
Golden Eagle 5 93 93
American Kestrel 0 0 0
Merlin 0 0 0
Gyrfalcon 0 0 0
Peregrine Falcon 0 0 0
Prairie Falcon 0 0 0
Unknown Accipitrine 0 0 0
Unknown Buteo 0 0 0
Unknown Falcon 0 0 0
Unknown Eagle 0 1 1
Unknown Raptor 0 0 0
Total: 5 106 106
Observation start time: 07:30:00
Observation end time: 15:45:00
Total observation time: 8.25 hours
Official Counter Graeme Dunlop
Observers: Sofia Preece


The temperature at 0830 was -15C, the high at 15:00 was -4C. Winds were ENE-NE all day 10-20 km/h with occasional gusts to 30 km/h. Cloud cover varied from 10% to 60% cirrus and cirrostratus with occasional light snow flurries to 100% stratus with light-moderate snow from 13:00 to 15:00 that largely obscured the ridges. Much heavier, darker clouds lurked to the south and west for much of the day. There had been several cm of fresh snow overnight. The count was terminated at 16:45 due to a lack of migrants and worsening weather.

Raptor Observations:
The count was 5 Golden Eagles (4 adults, 1 sub adult) seen between 11:10 and 12:20. All birds were flying above the east ridges before flapping and gliding across the valley. A resident American Goshawk gave us a nice display flight.

Non-raptor Observations:
The cold NE winds kept bird activity very low. 1 Hairy Woodpecker, 5 Common Ravens, 1 Black- billed Magpie, 1 American Dipper, 1 American Robin.

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