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Mount Lorette (28 Mar 2023) 261 Raptors

Mount Lorette
Alberta, Canada

Daily Raptor Counts: Mar 28, 2023
Species Day’s Count Month Total Season Total
Turkey Vulture 0 0 0
Osprey 0 0 0
Bald Eagle 9 75 75
Northern Harrier 0 0 0
Sharp-shinned Hawk 0 0 0
Cooper’s Hawk 0 0 0
Northern Goshawk 0 10 10
Broad-winged Hawk 0 0 0
Swainson’s Hawk 0 0 0
Red-tailed Hawk 1 1 1
Ferruginous Hawk 0 0 0
Rough-legged Hawk 2 2 2
Golden Eagle 248 1163 1163
American Kestrel 0 0 0
Merlin 0 1 1
Gyrfalcon 0 0 0
Peregrine Falcon 0 0 0
Prairie Falcon 0 0 0
Unknown Accipiter 0 1 1
Unknown Buteo 1 1 1
Unknown Falcon 0 0 0
Unknown Eagle 0 9 9
Unknown Raptor 0 0 0
Total: 261 1263 1263
Observation start time: 07:00:00
Observation end time: 19:00:00
Total observation time: 12 hours
Official Counter Ethan Denton
Observers: Lynette MacCulloch

We had 12 visitors today, 3 of whom stopped to help spot for significant amounts of time.

It was overcast in the morning, but cleared quickly into blue skies with a scattering of (mainly cumulus) clouds. We started out at -14, which rose to 0, but it never really felt cold, because there were almost no ground level winds. Ridge winds seemed calm until about 13:30 or so, and increased steadily from there. By 16:00 the eagles were generally moving quite quickly.

Raptor Observations:
An excellent day for migrant raptors, with 248 Goldens, 9 Bald Eagles, and the first Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawks of the season. The eagles preferred the western ridge early on, switching notably around 14:00 to a flight path high above the eastern side of the valley. A powerful thermal over Old Baldie caught many of our migrants in the afternoon, with as many as 26 Golden Eagles using it at one time! A small number of Goldens snuck by on the west side too in the later afternoon, dropping from Mt. Kidd in front of Boggart, and vanishing along a gully behind the southern side of Nakiska.
We also observed 1 resident GOEA, 3 resident Bald Eagles, and a resident Goshawk.

Non-raptor Observations:
Aprroximately 50 American Robins flew up the valley in several small groups, and a Varied Thrush made a single pass across the meadow. In the afternoon, a migrating Killdeer paused on the river before resuming its journey north, towards Hummingbird Plume.

Report submitted by Ethan Denton (
Mount Lorette information may be found at:
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Count data submitted via Dunkadoo – [Project Details]