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The main observation site is the Hay Meadow, Mt. Lorette Site. The site is located in Kananaskis on the bank of the Kananaskis River. It has a view of the open valley. which allows excellent (though rather distant) viewing of the Fisher Range to the east. The bulk of the Golden Eagles and other raptors use this ridge as part of their preferred migration route.

Mt. Lorette Observations

See the seasonal count reports and daily summaries for historical observation counts. The following observations started in Fall 2021.


Observers: Bill Wilson, Brian McBride, Cliff Hansen, James Bannon, and Teresa Gawron

Start Time:

07:20 AM

End Time:

07:35 PM


+5.5 C to +11 C

Description of the Day:

Generally a pleasant day, lots of cumulus cloud but lots of sun. Winds quite variable from 5 to 20 km/h and the odd gust to 40 or even 60 km/h. A cold front moved in about 2:30 pm, dropping the temperature by three degrees.

Migrant Golden Eagle Count:

65 (46 adults, 1 subadult, 9 juveniles and 9 unaged)

Migrant Other Raptor Count By Species:

2 Bald Eagles, 3 Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1 Cooper's Hawk, 1 Northern Goshawk, 4 unID accipiters, 1 Red-tailed Hawk, 1 unID buteo, 2 Merlins, and 2 Peregrine Falcons.

Period with Most Migrants:

More than half of the 82 migrants came through after 4 pm, with a peak of 20 between 5 and 6 pm.

Total Migratory Raptors:


Non-Migrant Raptors:

Northern Goshawk 1, Red-tailed Hawk 1, Golden Eagle 1.

Other Birds of Note:

4 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet, plus an American Dipper serenading us most of the afternoon.

Other Observations:

The migrant Red-tailed Hawk was a rufous morph, looking stunningly beautiful in late afternoon light against blue sky, with very light underwings, rufous body, and lightly red tail.

Number of Visitors: