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The main observation site is the Hay Meadow, Mt. Lorette Site. The site is located in Kananaskis on the bank of the Kananaskis River. It has a view of the open valley. which allows excellent (though rather distant) viewing of the Fisher Range to the east. The bulk of the Golden Eagles and other raptors use this ridge as part of their preferred migration route.

Mt. Lorette Observations

See the seasonal count reports and daily summaries for historical observation counts. The following observations started in Fall 2021.


Observers: Bill Wilson, Heinz Unger, Caroline Lambert

Start Time:

07:20 AM

End Time:

05:30 PM


Low -5C, high -4C

Description of the Day:

100% altostratus in the morning with variable mist and fog variably obscuring or not obscuring the eastern ranges, and the western ranges usually mostly to entirely obscured. The altostratus thinned in the afternoon, allowing nice sun and warmth through if we were out of the wind (5 - 20 km/h, occasionally 30, from the north), but the wind was relentless and chilly (brrrr). Eastern ranges nicely visible in the afternoon, western ranges slightly misty. At the end of the day, the sun disappeared behind cloud before sinking behind Mt. Bogart, and the already non-existent migration disappeared entirely.

Migrant Golden Eagle Count:


Migrant Other Raptor Count By Species:


Period with Most Migrants:

No migrants.

Total Migratory Raptors:


Non-Migrant Raptors:

1 adult Bald Eagle spent some time sitting on the top of a spruce east of the river.

Other Birds of Note:

One young Northern Shrike, ten White-winged Crossbills, four Canada Jays, a pair of Canada Geese flying north, and assorted ravens and chickadees.

Other Observations:

Nothing of note.

Number of Visitors: