RMERF counts, April 17
Tuesday, April 17 Mount Lorette [Day 43] 0655-2030 (Blake Weis, assisted by Brian McBride). The temperature at 0700 was 0C, the high was 5C from 1500 to1700 and again at 1800 and 1900, and it was 4C at 2039. Ground winds were SW 5-10 gusting 15 km/h except between 1100 and 1900 when they gusted to 30 km/h, and ridge winds were SW light to moderate to 0900 then were moderate for the rest of the day. Cloud cover was 100% altostratus and cumulus to 1400, then 80-90% altostratus, cumulus, altocumulus and stratocumulus to 1700 that reduced to 40% at the end of observation. There were brief light to moderate snow flurries between 1200 and 1800 but the eastern ridges were clear all day although the west was variably 20-70% obscured to 1500 after which they cleared. There was a moderate raptor movement involving 5 species between 0927 and 1940 that comprised 2 Ospreys, 2 Bald Eagles (1a, 1u), 1 light morph Rough-legged Hawk, 1 unidentified Buteo, 11 Golden Eagles (2a, 2sa, 3j, 4u) and 1u American Kestrel. One Golden Eagle used the western route, most of the non-eagles moved above the valley and the other migrants were either located at the northern end of the Fisher Range or at Mount Lorette. Movement was slow and sporadic and the maximum hourly count was 5 birds between 1400 and 1500. The resident pair of goshawks soared and vocalised south of the site, single resident Red-tailed Hawks were seen hunting over Hummingbird Hill and the Fisher Range, and a resident adult Golden Eagle flew south from Mount Lorette. Non-raptor bird species recorded were 8 Canada Geese, 1 female Common Goldeneye, 3 Killdeer, 1 Downy Woodpecker, 1 Northern Flicker, 2 adult Northern Shrikes, 2 American Crows, 16 Common Ravens, 4 Black-capped Chickadees, 1 Mountain Chickadee, 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch, 1 male Mountain Bluebird, 1 Varied Thrush, 155 American Robins, 1 European Starling, 6 American Pipits, 170 Bohemian Waxwings, 1 male hyemalis Dark-eyed Junco and 3 Common Redpolls. There were no visitors today.
13.58 hours (487.1) OSPR 2 (3), BAEA 2 (166), RLHA 1 (14), UB 1 (2), GOEA 11 (2220), AMKE 1 (2) TOTAL 18 (2498)
Tuesday, April 17 Beaver Mines [Day 50] 0700-1815 (Peter Sherrington). The temperature at 0700 was 0C, the high at 1600 was 6C and it was 3C at 2015. Winds were moderate to strong W-WSW all day 35-45 gusting up to 60 km/h. Cloud cover was 30-50% altocumulus and cumulus that gave sunny conditions to 1000 after which it was 80-100% altostratus, altocumulus and cumulus that gave hazy sunshine to 1800, and then 40-50% altostratus and altocumulus which again allowed sunshine, and it was finally cloudless at 2000. Occasional brief snow flurries moved from the southwest after 1500 and there was one extended snow shower between 1608 and 1640 that obscured the ridge. In general migration and observing conditions were very good and a total of 35 migrant raptors of 10 species were counted between 0911 and 1952. The count was the season’s first Turkey Vulture, an adult at 1655, 1 Osprey, 2 Bald Eagles (1 late subadult and 1 juvenile), 3 Sharp-shinned Hawks (2a, 1u), 1 adult Northern Goshawk, the season’s first 2 Swainson’s Hawks (a dark adult at 1429 and a light adult at 1552), 9 calurus Red-tailed Hawks ( 6a and 1u light morphs and 2a rufous morphs), 1 unidentified dark Buteo, 13 Golden Eagles (4a, 1sa, 8j), 1 adult female columbarius Merlin and 1 adult probable female Peregrine Falcon. All 18 species of regularly-occurring diurnal raptors have now been seen this season. Only 2 juvenile Golden Eagles were seen in the morning, but afternoon movement was steady to 1718 with a peak hour of 9 birds between 1500 and 1600. No birds were seen between 1718 and 1920 probably owing to snow to the south blocking movement, but there was then a late migration of 4 Red-tailed Hawks and 1 Golden Eagle up to 1952. A single Common Loon flying high to the SW at 1527 was a first for the season, but it had little prospect of finding open water on lakes in this part of the world, and may have had to continue over the mountains to BC. Maybe Vance will see it tomorrow!
13.25 (518.5) TUVU 1 (1), OSPR 1 (3), BAEA 2 (339), SSHA 3 (35), NOGO 1 (22), SWHA 2 (2), RTHA 9 (126), UB 1 (12), GOEA 13 (1471), MERL 1 (13), PEFA 1 (8) TOTAL 35 (2182)
Tuesday, April 17 Steeples (Vance Mattson). NO OBSERVATION. The mountains cleared in the afternoon after a morning of rain and overcast conditions, but unfortunately Vance had a work commitment and was unable to observe.
MOUNT LORETTE March 1- | BEAVER MINES February 25- | STEEPLES March 1- | |
DAYS | 43 | 50 | 35 |
HOURS | 487.1 | 518.5 | 150.5 |
TURKEY VULTURE (TUVU) | 0 | 1 | 12 |
OSPREY (OSPR) | 3 | 3 | 0 |
BALD EAGLE (BAEA) | 166 | 339 | 159 |
SHARP-SHINNED HAWK (SSHA) | 16 | 35 | 5 |
COOPER’S HAWK (COHA) | 0 | 4 | 0 |
NORTHERN GOSHAWK (NOGO) | 11 | 22 | 2 |
Accipiter sp. (UA) | 1 | 0 | 0 |
BROAD-WINGED HAWK (BWHA) | 2 | 10 | 0 |
SWAINSON’S HAWK (SWHA) | 0 | 2 | 0 |
RED-TAILED HAWK (RTHA) | 21 | 126 | 25 |
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK (RLHA) | 14 | 100 | 4 |
Buteo sp. (UB) | 2 | 12 | 0 |
GOLDEN EAGLE (GOEA) | 2220 | 1471 | 584 |
Eagle sp. (UE) | 24 | 3 | 0 |
MERLIN (MERL) | 1 | 13 | 0 |
GYRFALCON (GYRF) | 7 | 8 | 0 |
PRAIRIE FALCON (PRFA) | 2 | 3 | 0 |
Falco sp. (UF) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Unidentified Raptor (UU) | 3 | 3 | 0 |
TOTALS | 2498 | 2182 | 793 |