RMERF counts, September 24
Monday, September 24 Mount Lorette [Day 5] 0650-1950 (George Halmazna, assisted by Joel Duncan). The starting temperature was 0C, the high at 1600 was 10C and it was 5C at the end of observation. It was calm to 0900 and light SW for the rest of the day and ridge winds were probably light to moderate SW. Cloud cover was 100% altostratus to 0900 and 80-100% stratus and cumulus for the rest of the day with the exception of around noon when it briefly reduced to 40% cumulus. The count was a slightly disappointing 44 birds of 4 species that moved between 0833 and 1859 with a maximum hourly passage of 11 between 1200 and 1300. The total comprised 2 Northern Harriers (1 adult male, 1u), 4 Sharp-shinned Hawks (2a, 2u), 1 adult Cooper’s Hawk and 37 Golden Eagles (22a, 3sa, 3j, 9u). All the eagles consistently used the eastern route moving from Mount Lorette to the Fisher Range. Early season results from Lorette and Vicki Ridge indicate low numbers of migrating juvenile Golden Eagles following record numbers last year. This suggests a poor breeding season following a crash in northern snowshoe hare numbers and the beginning of another population cycle. A total of 23 species of non-raptor birds were counted including 7 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 29 American Robins, 5 Varied Thrushes, 5 Cedar Waxwings, 3 Savannah Sparrows, 1 Lincoln’s Sparrow, 1 Song Sparrow, 2 White-crowned Sparrows, 7 White-winged Crossbills, 12 Pine Siskins and 5 Yellow-rumped Warblers. Butterflies on the wing were 7 Mourning Cloaks and 2 Zephyr Commas, and there were 25 visitors to the site today.
13 hours (45.33) NOHA 2 (2), SSHA 4 (10), COHA 1 (1), GOEA 37 (137) TOTAL 44 (163)
Monday, September 24 Vicki Ridge [Day 4] 0815-1845 (Peter Sherrington, observing from the ridgetop 1100-1720 and from the wellsite for the rest of the time). The temperature at 0830 was 4C, the high was 12C at 1600 and it was 7C at 1845. Conditions were calm to 1045 and again after 1800, but were W for most of the day generally 10-15 gusting 25 km/h but reaching 30-40 km/h between 1500 and 1600 before becoming light. Cloud cover was initially 100% low stratus that partially obscured the ridges which cleared after 0940 to 10-20% cumulus and cirrus to 1130; After 1130 dark cumulus and altostratus cloud quickly developed and was 70-90% for the rest of the day that produced alternate periods of gloomy light and brilliant sunshine through breaks in the cloud. Raptor movement was as sporadic as the sunshine with groups of migrating birds interspersed with periods of empty skies. A total of 64 raptors of 11 species were counted between 0910 and 1814 that comprised 3 Ospreys (one of which glided high to the south at 1426 carrying a fish in its talons), 1 juvenile male Northern Harrier, 18 Sharp-shinned Hawks (9a, 1j, 8u), 6 Cooper’s Hawks (3a, 3u), 2 Northern Goshawks (1a male, 1sa female), 1 juvenile light morph Broad-winged Hawk, 2 Red-tailed Hawks (1 light calurus adult, 1 dark harlani juvenile), 25 Golden Eagles (18a, 3sa, 3j, 1u), 1 female American Kestrel, 4 male columbarius Merlins and 1 juvenile male Peregrine Falcon. The only hours that had double-digit counts were 1200-1300 (13) and 1600-1700 (12). Other birds present included 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 34 Mountain Bluebirds, 166 American Robins, 2 Red Crossbills and 48 Pine Siskins. Butterflies were 11 Western Whites and 1 Mourning Cloak.
10.5 hours (40) OSPR 3 (4), NOHA 1 (7), SSHA 18 (107), COHA 6 (24), NOGO 2 (9), BWHA 1 (5), RTHA 2 (29), GOEA 25 (79), AMKE 1 (2), MERL 4 (8), PEFA 1 (5) TOTAL 64 (292)
Monday, September 24 Steeples [Day 5] 1600-1800 (Vance Mattson). Teaching commitments limited the count to 2 hours which saw the passage of 2 light calurus Red-tailed Hawks (1a, 1j) and 1 juvenile Golden Eagle, which was disappointing considering the weather conditions: a temperature of 18C, winds light W-NW and cloud cover of 40-20% cumulus. Non-migrants were more abundant and comprised 4 Bald Eagles (2a, 2j), 2 sightings of adult Sharp-shinned Hawks, and 2 of adult Golden Eagles that soared high above the ridge for extended periods.
2 hours (20.5) RTHA 2 (34), GOEA 1 (6) TOTAL 3 (73)
MOUNT LORETTE September 20-November 15 | BEAVER MINES September 20-November 15 | STEEPLES September 20-November 15 | |
DAYS | 5 | 4 | 5 |
HOURS | 45.33 | 40 | 20.5 |
TURKEY VULTURE (TUVU) | 0 | 0 | 1 |
OSPREY (OSPR) | 2 | 4 | 0 |
BALD EAGLE (BAEA) | 4 | 6 | 6 |
SHARP-SHINNED HAWK (SSHA) | 10 | 107 | 19 |
COOPER’S HAWK (COHA) | 1 | 24 | 2 |
Accipiter sp. (UA) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
BROAD-WINGED HAWK (BWHA) | 0 | 5 | 2 |
SWAINSON’S HAWK (SWHA) | 0 | 2 | 0 |
RED-TAILED HAWK (RTHA) | 2 | 29 | 34 |
ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK (RLHA) | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Buteo sp. (UB) | 3 | 0 | 0 |
GOLDEN EAGLE (GOEA) | 137 | 79 | 6 |
Eagle sp. (UE) | 2 | 1 | 0 |
MERLIN (MERL) | 0 | 8 | 0 |
GYRFALCON (GYRF) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
PRAIRIE FALCON (PRFA) | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Falco sp. (UF) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Unidentified Raptor (UU) | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTALS | 163 | 292 | 70 |