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Beaver Mines and Steeples, October 14


Wednesday, October 14 Vicki Ridge [Day 25] 1045-1905 (Peter Sherrington and Hilary Atkinson observing from the Waterton 61 wellsite on the western flank of the ridge; and Gord Petersen at the western edge of Kyllo Ridge at the Waterton 68 wellsite, 1457-1845). Light snow fell to 1300 that obscured the ridges until 1045 when observation began with 5 cm of fresh snow on the ground. The temperature at 1045 was -1C, the high was 6.5C at 1600 and it was 2C at 1905. Winds were initially light E-ESE to 1400 and became W at 1450 although they were presaged by fog that formed on the highest point of Vicki Ridge at 1240 as the cold air from the east met the warmer air from the west. Westerly winds then prevailed for the rest of the day gusting to 20-30 km/h that reduced to 8-15 km/h at 1900. Cloud cover was 100% stratus to 1300 when it began to break and by 1400 there was 60% cumulus that reduced to 20% by 1800 and at the end of observation it was cloudless with just a trace of cumulus. Sunshine after 1400 provided excellent observing conditions for the rest of the day. At Waterton 61 only 2 raptors, both adult Cooper’s Hawks, were seen between 1250 and 1347 but the main migration began at 1404 and was subsequently continuous until the last Golden Eagle moved south just before dark at 1855. The final count of 94 birds of 6 species was 1a Bald Eagle, 12 Sharp-shinned Hawks (5a, 7u), 2a Cooper’s Hawks, 1a Northern Goshawk, 14 Rough-legged Hawks (13 light morphs and 1 u) and 64 Golden Eagles (55a, 3sa, 6j), The highest single-hour count was 29 between 1600 and 1700, At the Waterton 68 site Gord counted 122 migrants of 7 species between 1505 and 1838 that comprised 1sa3 Bald Eagle, 1a female Northern Harrier, 17u Sharp-shinned Hawks, 2u Cooper’s Hawks, 3 Northern Goshawks (1j 2u), 6 light morph Rough-legged Hawks and 92 Golden Eagles (66a, 7j, 19u). The highest single hour count was 50 between 1700 and 1800. The combined site count was 216 migrants of 7 species that moved between 1250 and 1855 and comprised 2 Bald Eagles (1a, 1sa3), 1a female Northern Harrier, 29 Sharp-shinned Hawks (5a, 24u), 24 Cooper’s Hawks (2a, 2u), 4 Northern Goshawks (1a, 1j, 2u), a season-high 20 Rough-legged Hawks (19 light morphs, 1u) and 156 Golden Eagles (121a, 3sa, 13j, 19u). The 4 hourly counts after 1500 were 29, 61, 71 and 43 respectively. Other bird species seen were 8 Snow Geese that flew high to the west at 1433, 4 Black-billed Magpies, 71 Common Ravens, 1 American Robin that flew high to the south at 1438 and 4 Pine Siskins.

8.33 hours (264.7) BAEA 2 (59), NOHA 1 (23), SSHA 29 (833), COHA 4 (127), NOGO 4 (26), RLHA 20 (89), GOEA 156 (1412) TOTAL 216 (2869)


Wednesday, October 14 Mount Lorette [Day 25] 0810-1905 (Bill Wilson assisted by Caroline Lambert). It snowed until 1355 and then 96 raptors of 5 species were counted between 1358 and 1900 that comprised 3 Bald Eagles (1a, 2j), 2 Northern Goshawks (1a, 1u), 1 unidentified small Accipiter, 1j dark morph calurus Red-tailed Hawk, 88 Golden Eagles (47a, 2sa, 11j, 28u) and 1 unidentified small raptor.

11.08 (289.4) BAEA 3 (78), NOGO 2 (46), UA 1 (6), RTHA 1 (57), GOEA 88 (1848), UU 1 (3) TOTAL 96 (2235)


Wednesday, October 14 Steeples (Vance Mattson). No observation.


(NOTE: all numbers provisional pending final reports)


MOUNT LORETTE  September 20-November 15


VICKI RIDGE September 20-November 15


STEEPLES September 20-November 15


DAYS  25  25  7
HOURS  289.4  264.7  24.5
OSPREY (OSPR)  5  6  0
BALD EAGLE (BAEA)   78   59   37
COOPER’S HAWK (COHA)  16  127  0
Accipiter sp. (UA)   6   7   0
RED-TAILED HAWK (RTHA)   57   199   4
Buteo sp. (UB)  2  7  0
GOLDEN EAGLE (GOEA)  1848  1412  23
Eagle sp. (UE)  19  5  0
MERLIN (MERL)  11  24  0
Falco sp. (UF)  7  1  0
Unidentified Raptor (UU)  3  1  0
TOTALS  2235  2869  78