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Beaver Mines and Steeples, October 25


Sunday, October 25 Vicki Ridge [Day 34] 0800-1845 (Peter Sherrington and Hilary Atkinson observing from the Waterton 61 wellsite on the western flank of the ridge; and Gord Petersen (0930-1820) at the western edge of Kyllo Ridge at the Waterton 68 wellsite). The temperature at 0800 was a season-low -20C, the high was -3C between 1400 and 1600 and it was -6C at 1845. Winds were initially E-ENE 5-8 km/h but by 0900 a westerly flow started that persisted all day and became progressively stronger. Winds gusted to 20 km/h to 1300 after which gusts were 50-60 km/h, and were WNW gusting to 70km/h after 1800. There was extensive blowing snow on the ridges throughout the afternoon and low wind-chill values made observing uncomfortable. It was cloudless and sunny to 1700 when the first trace of altocumulus cloud appeared to the west and by 1800 cloud cover was 60-70% lenticular and altocumulus that provided a spectacular sunset spectacle. At Waterton 61 a total of 101 migrants of 4 species moved between 0836 and 1836 that comprised 13 Bald Eagles (8a, 1sa3, 3sa2, 1u), 1a Sharp-shinned Hawks, 1u Rough-legged Hawk and 86 Golden Eagles (75a, 2sa, 6j, 3u). Movement was initially slow with only 7 Golden Eagles recorded before 1200, but was steady throughout the afternoon and peaked at 33 birds (31 Golden Eagles) between 1500 and 1600. By contrast at the Waterton 68 site only 28 birds of 3 species were seen between 1145 and 1814 that comprised 4 Bald Eagles (1a, 2sa3, 1j), 2a Northern Goshawks, 21 Golden Eagles (6a, 1sa, 3j, 11u) and 1 indeterminate eagle. Movement was very sporadic and mainly west of the ridge with highest single-hour counts of 6 between 1400-1500, and 1500-1600. The combined sitescount was 129 migrant raptors of 5 species between 0836 and 1836 that comprised 17 Bald Eagles (9a, 3sa3, 3sa2, 1j, 1u), 1a Sharp-shinned Hawk, 2a Northern Goshawks, 1u Rough-legged Hawk, 107 Golden Eagles (81a, 3sa, 9j, 14u) and 1 indeterminate eagle. The highest combined single hour count was 39 between 1500 and 1600. Other bird species recorded were 1 Canada Jay, 1 Clark’s Nutcracker, 5 Black-billed Magpies, 2 American Crows, 45 Common Ravens, 7 American Robins, 60 Grey-crowned Rosy-Finches, 5 Red Crossbills, and 4 Dark-eyed [hyemalis] Juncos.

10.75 hours (336.8) BAEA 17 (154), SSHA 1 (902), NOGO 2 (58), RLHA 1 (184), GOEA 107 (2136) UE 1 (10) TOTAL 129 (3920)


Sunday, October 25 Mount Lorette [Day 34] (Lori Anderson assisted by Patrick Farley). A total of 64 migrant raptors of 4 species was counted between 1020 and 1820 that comprised 5 Bald Eagles (1a, 2sa, 2j), 1j female Northern Harrier, 1j light morph calurus Red-tailed Hawk, 56 Golden Eagles (43a, 3sa, 1j, 9u) and 1 indeterminate eagle. Most birds were seen after 1500 when the wind increased.

10 hours (377.2) BAEA 5 (134), NOHA 1 (11), RTHA 1 (64), GOEA 56 (2406), UE 1 (23) TOTAL 64 (2894)


Sunday, October 25 Steeples [Day 13] 1215-1915 (Vance Mattson). The temperature was -9C at 1215, the high was -3C and it was -5C at 1815, and it was calm and cloudless throughout. Twenty-one migrants of 2 species moved between 1301 and 1734 that consisted of 1a Bald Eagle and a season-high 20 Golden Eagles (14a, 3sa, 2j, 1u). Movement was slow but steady with a peak of 7 between 1710 and 1734. All the eagles moved low and slow with many using flapping flight and the calm sunny conditions gave excellent views of the birds. Three of the Golden Eagles briefly perched at various points on the ridge before resuming their journey.

6 hours (43) BAEA 1 (43), GOEA 20 (46) TOTAL 21 (108)




(NOTE: all numbers provisional pending final reports)


MOUNT LORETTE  September 20-November 15


VICKI RIDGE September 20-November 15


STEEPLES September 20-November 15


DAYS  34  34  13
HOURS  377.2  336.8  43
OSPREY (OSPR)  6  6  0
BALD EAGLE (BAEA)   134   154   43
COOPER’S HAWK (COHA)  19  140  0
Accipiter sp. (UA)   6   7   0
RED-TAILED HAWK (RTHA)   64   210   4
Buteo sp. (UB)  3  7  0
GOLDEN EAGLE (GOEA)  2406  2136  46
Eagle sp. (UE)  23  10  2
MERLIN (MERL)  11  24  0
Falco sp. (UF)  7  1  0
Unidentified Raptor (UU)  3  1  0
TOTALS  2894  3920 108